Employment Lawyer
Dismissal Protection

Dr. Henrik Göddeke, Attorney at Law
Law Offices for Wrongful Termination

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Dr. Henrik Göddeke

English speaking
Employment Lawyer who puts your interests first

Benefit from many years of experience in:

Your Law Firm for Labor Law offers:

Notice of Termination

Termination: What to do?

Do not make any statements or comments to your employer about whether you intend to contest the termination. If a proposal for a "settlement" is made during the dismissal interview, simply ask for some time to think about it and then contact an employment law specialist at short notice.

Do I have a termination case?

Protection against dismissal applies if the employment has existed for longer than six months and more than 10 employees are employed: The termination must be socially justified. The Dismissal Protection Act distinguishes between "urgent operational requirements", behavior-related and personal reasons.

Deadline after termination?

A three-week period for filing an action runs from receipt of the notice of termination. If the validity of an employer's termination is not challenged within this three-week period by filing an action for protection against dismissal with the labor court, the termination is deemed effective and can no longer be challenged.

severance pay

In many cases, severance pay is paid to the employee for the loss of his or her job after notice has been given. Since there is no legal entitlement to severance pay, negotiating skills, experience and a precise classification of the legal position are of great importance in order to negotiate the best possible severance pay. In most cases, it is therefore advisable to engage a specialist in employment law for this purpose.

Exit agreement /
winding up agreement

Often employers propose a termination or exit agreement “in order to avoid an unavoidable termination for operational reasons” or offer a winding up agreement with or after notice of termination has been given. Since there are a number of important points to consider when concluding such a vital agreement, you should definitely seek the support of an attorney for employment law.

dr. henrik göddeke
attorney at law


Contact us

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